The CPIJ Office opened an independent office at the City Planning Hall in August 1966.
The first academic conference was held on November 7-8, at the University of Tokyo, Department of Engineering, Building no. 8.
At the general meeting of May 26, CPIJ modified a part of the Articles of Association and decided to raise the membership fee from this year.
CPIJ held the 8-th academic research conference on November 29-30 at the Osaka Science and Technology Center in Osaka.
On July 7-8, CIPJ held symposium called "From the Forefront of City Planning " at the Kogakuin University.
On August 23-24, CPIJ held the seminar: "Cities are Created by Human Beings" at a hall in Meiji Shinto Shrine.
A city planning related delegation from China that was in charge for examining Japanese city planning consisting of six people including its president Mr. Cao, Hung Tao visited Japan during November 15 and December 8. The group observed the city planning issues in Tokyo, Hokkaido, Nagoya and the Kinki area.
On May 23-24, CPIJ organized a seminar with the topic: "Searching for Strategy and Technology of New Urban Development" at the Tsukuba Research Center.
CPIJ held the symposium: "Looking Back at the Starting Point of City Planning" at the "Food Hall" on July 11-12.
A team of six members of CPIJ headed by Mr. Higasa, Tadashi examined the city planning issues in Beijing, Xian, Nanjing and Shanghai during October 29 and November 7.
On May 20-22, CPIJ organized a seminar with the topic: "The Practical Introduction of City Planning" in a hall of Meiji Shinto Shrine.
On October 5-6, CPIJ proceeded with the symposium: "Thinking About Creation of Environment in Cities" at the Food Hall.
CPIJ held the seminar: "The Practical Introduction of City Planning - Part 2" at a hall of Meiji Shinto Shrine on May 18-19.
On June 25-26, CPIJ organized the symposium: "Landscape Arrangement and Making of the City" at the Shinjuku Sanei Building.
In September the Board of Directors approved the "Private Regulation on Recommendations for the fellow members.
On November 20-21, CPIJ held an academic Conference at the Nagaoka Technological Science University.
On July 1-2, CPIJ held the symposium: "City Planning and GIS (Geographic Information System)" at the Ishigaki Commemoration Hall.
On September 7-8, CPIJ organized the seminar: "The Practical Introduction of City Planning - Part 3" at a hall of Meiji Shinto Shrine.
On July 6-7, CPIJ organized the symposium: "Thinking About Better Utilization of the Heights of Buildings in the Urban Districts" at the Shinjuku Sanei Building.
On October 11-12, CPIJ held the seminar: "The Practical Introduction of City Planning - Part 4" at a hall of Meiji Shinto Shrine.
On May 24, the Board of Directors decided on the Article of the "Private Regulation of Officials".
At the general meeting held on May 29, CPIJ modified a part of the Articles of Association, approved the relocation of its office, assigned the Special Director for the first time, and decided that the tenure of the vice president to be a year.
The symposium: "Thinking about New Towns in Terms of Social Change" was held in Osaka city on June 7-8.
18 members of the academic society responsible for examining issues of Korean city planning visited Korea for 8 days on November 3-10.
On November 30 and December 1st, CPIJ proceeded with an Academic Research Conference at Tsukuba University.
During 8 days, from November 30 - December 7, eight members of the Academic Society of Korean Land Planning visited Japan and concluded with the "International Interaction Agreement" between Japanese and Korean Academic Societies. In addition, they participated in the aforementioned research conference.
In December, CPIJ published "City Planning Manual" issued from Gyosei Publishing Company.
On June 20-21, CPIJ organized the symposium: "The Amenity of Japanese Cities" at Opening Port Commemoration Hall in Yokohama
26 members of the academic society responsible for examining issues of Taiwanese city planning visited Taiwan for 10 days on September 7-16.
On October 2-3, CPIJ proceeded with the seminar: "Searching for Method of Making The City Plan and the Practice of New City Making" at Japan City Center.
In October, CPIJ published "City Planning Glossary" as a summary work of its 30-th anniversary commemoration.
On November 8-9, CPIJ held academic research conference at the Osaka University of Technology.
18 members of the Academic Society responsible for Korean city planning visited Korea and held the international symposium whose theme was "Redevelopment of Cities" on April 3-9.
On July 3-4, CPIJ organized the symposium: "Recent Trend on Redevelopment in Cities" at Kougakuin University.
For 8 days, during July 5 and 12, 18 members responsible for Japan of Academic Society of Korean Land Planning visited Japan and held the international symposium with the theme: "Activation of Local Cities".
CPIJ organized the seminar: "Thinking about Making Cities Full of Amenity" at the Food Hall on October 7-8.
From November 6-15, 18 members responsible for Japan in the academic society of city planning of China Japan.
On October 6-7, CPIJ organized the seminar on "Thinking New Ways of Planning Cities Learning from Creation of New Towns" at Parthenon Tama in Tama city.
From November 8-10, CPIJ organized in association with the Ministry of Construction, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and a foundation named the City Planning Association an international symposium at the Hotel New Ohtani in commemoration of 100th anniversary of laws of modern city planning. Following this symposium, on November 11 and 12, CPIJ organized the 3-rd International Conference about History of City Planning with Planning History Group at Kasumigaseki Building.
On July 6-7, CPIJ held the symposium: "The Growth Process and Traffic Facility of City" at Green Palace at the Ban Town.
On July 23-29, 40 CPIJ members responsible for Korean city planning went to Korea and participated at the 30-th anniversary commemoration ceremony of Academic Society of Korean Land Planning, and organized an international symposium with the topic of "Heritage and Succession".
On October 4-5, CPIJ organized a seminar on "City Planning on Water Front" on the Ship Hikawamaru in Yokohama.
On October 26th, the symposium: "Planning on Rural Type Urban Districts" was held at the conference room of the Council of Japanese Academy. The symposium was sponsored by the Research Association of Urban and Rural Area Planning in Council of Japanese Academy and by the Research Association of Agricultural District Planning, with cosponsors: CPIJ and Agricultural District Planning Institute of Japan.
On November 18-19, CPIJ organized a conference of academic research at International Center Building in Nagoya City.
From November 22-28, 5 members of CPIJ visited China and signed on the document about international exchanges between China and Japan.
From September 10-16, 25 CPIJ members responsible for Taiwanese city planning visited Taiwan and participated at the international symposium jointly organized by Japan, Taiwan, and Korea.
On October 18-19, CPIJ organized a seminar on "The Evaluation and Future Vision of Mixed Functional Development" at Citizen Plaza in Urayasu City.
On November 10-11, CPIJ held an academic research conference at Toyobashi University of Science and Technology. In addition, at the same place, on November 11, CPIJ held a general meeting for the establishment of Chubu District Branch of the CPIJ and decided to set it up.
Three members responsible for the Japanese city planning of the Academic Society of the Chinese City Planning visited Japan between November 7 and 13, and on November 10, CPIJ and the Chinese visitors signed an agreement about the mutual academic exchange.
On November 29, the symposium: "The Modern Theory of Spatial Planning" was held at the auditorium of the Council of Japanese Academy mainly sponsored by the Research Association of Urban and Rural Area Planning in Council of Japanese Academy and by the Research Association of Agricultural District Planning, with cosponsors CPIJ, Agricultural District Planning Institute of Japan, the Academic Society of Civil Engineering, the Academic Society of Architecture, and Academic Society of Gardening.
From October 10-24, six members of Dalian City Government in charge of Japan city planning visited Japan and examined the circumstances of Japanese underground shops.
On November 22, the International Conference Seminar was held in Tokyo for celebrating the 40th anniversary of CPIJ at the Yasuda Auditorium in the University of Tokyo. The conference's topic was "Partnerships Between Government and Private Sector in Urban Development". Following this event, on November 23, a workshop about the same theme was organized at Tokyo Metropolitan University and on November 23-24, an academic research conference was held there.
On November 29th, the symposium: "The Modern Theory of Spatial Planning - Part 2" was held at the auditorium in Council of Japanese Academy mainly sponsored by the Research Association of Urban and Rural Area Planning in Council of Japanese Academy and by the Research Association of Agricultural District Planning, with cosponsors CPIJ, the Academic Societies of Agricultural District Planning in Japan, Civil Engineering, Japanese Architecture, Japanese Gardening, Civil Engineering in Agricultural District, Japanese Forest, and Japanese Environment.
On October 15-16, CPIJ organized the 16-th Seminar of City Planning: "Reconsidering City Planning System ? Themes and Prospects" at the Underground Conference Room in Shin-Marunouchi Building.
On November 16-21, 30 members of CPIJ visited Korea and investigated some sites including big projects on city redevelopment and participated at the workshops.
The president of the Academic Society of Chinese City Planning, Mr. O, visited Japan from November 21-23, joined the academic research conference at the Kyushu University and organized a workshop "Present Condition and Future Vision of City Planning In China".
On November 25, the symposium: "The Modern Theory of Spatial Planning ? Part 3" was held at the auditorium in Council of Japanese Academy mainly sponsored by the Research Association of Urban and Rural Area Planning in Council of Japanese Academy and by the Research Association of Agricultural District Planning, with cosponsors CPIJ, the Academic Society of Agricultural District Planning in Japan, Academic Societies of Civil Engineering, Japanese Architecture, Japanese Gardening, Civil Engineering in Agricultural District, Japanese Forest, and Japanese Environment.
Celebrating 100-th anniversary of Eiyo Ishikawa's birth, CPIJ held a gathering to recalling him at the Hall of Mari-Machi, publishing at the same time the City Planning Theory Collection on September 7.
The 17-th City Planning Seminar on "The Problems and Future Vision of City Planning in Farms Inside the Legally Designated Areas for Urbanization" was held on October 14-15, at the Zentei Hall in Suidoubashi Tokyo.
From October 22-27, 4 members of the CPIJ visited China and agreed in advance with the Academic Society of Chinese City Planning about academic exchange between them.
For 3 days, from November 21-23, CPIJ held an academic research conference at the Commemoration Hall of War Revival in Sendai City.
On October 27-28, CPIJ proceeded with the 18-th city planning seminar: "Methods of City Planning for Human Being and Natural Environment" at the hall in Meiji Shinto Shrine.
From November 21-23 CPIJ organized an academic research conference at the international conference room in Waseda University.
CPIJ moved its office to Ichiban-Chou West Building 6 floor, 10 Ichiban-Chou, Chiyoda-prefecture on June 10.
In June, CPIJ published: "Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake - Revitalization of the City". In the same month, CPIJ terminated the activity of the abovementioned Sub-committee, which was established for urgent needs and at the same time and established the Special Research Committee for Revitalization and Disaster Prevention that was expected to work for the next 3 years.
In September, the Board of Directors decided to organize the "Fund for the Research on Problems of Revitalization and Disaster Prevention" and to collect contribution from its membership.
On October 5-6, CPIJ held the 19-th city planning seminar: "Benchmarks on Revitalization from Disasters - Learning from Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake" at the international conference room at Waseda University.
During July 22 and 31, six members of the Hokkai City Government of China visited Japan and examined areas that were planned for redevelopment in Tokyo, construction sites in the phase of revival from the disaster, and so on.
On August 18-22, the international symposium "Reshaping Urban Vision and Development Towards 21st Century" was held at Feng Chia University in Taichu City in Taiwan, by CPIJ with the academic society of city planning in Taiwan, China, and Korea that had earlier endorsed an agreement with CPIJ. 36 members of the society participate in it.
On September 25, CPIJ and its Kyushu District branch organized the International Academic Exchange between Japan and China: "Lecture on Chinese City Planning" in Fukuoka with Fukuoka City Government and a Foundation known as Fukuoka City and Science Research Center.
On October 31 and November 1, CPIJ held the city planning seminar: "Searching for Methods of City Planning for the Densely Built Urban Areas" at the Commemoration Center of Hideo Noguchi and 210 people joined it.
On November 29, the Special Research Committee Solving Problems for Revitalization and Disaster Prevention and the Special Committee for City Planning Revitalization of the Kansai District branch proceeded in association with Osaka and Yokohama Government and supported by the Urban Development Corporation, the workshop: "City Planning Workshop on Prevention of Disasters" at the Civil Study Center in Benten-Chou, Osaka.
On November 31 and December 1, the 31-st academic research conference was held at the Kusatu campus, Ristumeikan University.
At the general meeting of May 23, CPIJ modified a part of the Articles of Association and decided to add the "Meritorious Service by Members" to the commemoration awards, which have been previously given only to the research achievements and concluded that members have to contribute membership fees to it according to the aforesaid Articles.
Between June 20 and 29, five members of the Academic Society of Chinese City Planning Legislation visited Japan and examined the situation of city planning and current conditions of local areas in Japan.
On September 17-18, the Committee of International City Planning Symposium Association organized the international symposium on city planning: "New Paradigm in City Planning" at the international conference hall in Nagoya City, which was joined by 200 participants (including 56 visitors from foreign counties), and supported by Government of Aichi prefecture and Nagoya City.
On October 23-24, CPIJ proceeded with the city planning seminar: "Master Plans of Cities, Towns, and Villages and Residents Participation" at the Seiryou Hall (Chiyoda district, Tokyo) that was attended by 200 participants.
On November 27-28, CPIJ held the 32-th academic research conference at the Nippon University, Department of Engineering, Funabashi campus.
On November 29, the Special Study Committee for Prevention of Disasters and Revitalization held the symposium: "Creating City of Anti-disasters and Revitalization" at the Etyujima Hall in Tokyo Marine University, with the participation of 100 attendants.
At the general meeting of May 22, the Board of Directors of CPIJ endorsed the establishments of the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Work Committee, the 50th Anniversary Executive Committee, and the 50th Anniversary Managing Committee. With the establishment of the 50th Anniversary History Compilation Committee in 1997, the abovementioned organizations reported frequently to the history related Committee about their work on plans related to the commemoration of 50-th anniversary of CPIJ. Four research sub-panels were established under the executive committee and were performing research for this event.
On October 24, CPIJ held the international city planning symposium: "Sustainable Development for the 21-th Century" at the Korea Kannan National University and 45 members of CPIJ joined the event.
On November 7-8, CPIJ proceeded with the 32-th academic research conference at Tohoku Art and Engineering University. 130 Japanese professionals participated the event including 45 members of CPIJ.
On November 16-17, CPIJ organized the 22-nd city planning seminar: "Thinking of Ways to Stimulate Central Urban District" at the hall of Meiji Shinto Shrine that gathered 153 people.
At the general meeting of May 21, CPIJ changed a part of the Article of Association and decided that the number of directors must be from 20 to 24 (including three vice presidents) and three auditors. CPIJ also concluded that the tenure of president should basically be within a year and attendance of more than half of present regular members is needed to approve new rules in organization in the general meeting.
On June 3-12, 6 members of the Academic Society of Chinese City Rules visited Japan with the aim to study houses and its areas and examined Tama New Town, Tsukuba New Town, housing complex in Hoshigaoka, Senri New Town, and so on.
On September 19, CPIJ proceeded with the international city planning symposium: "Reflection and Vision for Local Developments in 21-th Century" at the National Cheng Kung Univeristy in Tainan City in Taiwan with the participation of 20 members of CPIJ.
On October 21-22, CPIJ held the 23-th city planning seminar: "The Practice of City Planning Coexisting with Natural Environment" at National Olympics Memorial Youth Center that was attended by 242 participants.
The Research Committee for city planning proposed amendments of city planning law system and its management regarding to updating of city planning law, and submitted the advice to the Ministry of Construction.
On November 13-14, CPIJ held the 34-th academic research conference at Shyonan Fujisawa campus of Keio University.
Supported by the British Council, the president of Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) Brian Ragget visited CPIJ on November 15-18, and joined the round-table conference including president of CPIJ and talked together about the possibility of future cooperation as well as related issues.
The abovementioned committee also examined disaster stricken areas of Taiwan Earthquake from March 30 to April 4, and reported its result to the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo on April 21. In addition, from September 14 to 20, the secondary study group carried out investigation for revitalization there.
On July 17-18, CPIJ held the international city planning symposium: "The Future Vision on City Planning in the 21-st Century" at the international conference hall in Kobe that was attended by 223 participants.
On October 12-13, CPIJ organized the 24-th city planning seminar: "Systems of Governance of City Planning in the New Century under Decentralization to Local Government" at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center that gathered 269 participants.
On November 11-12, CPIJ held the 35-th academic research conference at Kakuma campus of Kanazawa University.
In addition to the discussion of the regular subjects, at the general meeting held on May 25, CPIJ decided to reward 38 people for their contributions and 11 people for their positive role in the international exchange. Both prizes were given for the first time.
On August 17-18, CPIJ proceeded with the international city planning symposium: "Oriental Paradigm for Urban Planning in the 21st Century" at Daejeon Metropolitan City, Korea that was attended by 22 participants from CPIJ.
The Research Committee for Disaster Prevention and Revitalization participated at the exposition held by the Japanese Government with theme: "Methods of Disaster Prevention and City Planning in our City".
On November 16, a commemoration ceremony and symposium was held as the commemorative work of 50th anniversary of foundation of CPIJ and 573 people attended the event, followed by the round-table celebration. In addition, CPIJ published a book about its 50-year history, and proceeded with a presentation conference followed by commemoration research workshops.
On November 17-18, following 50-th anniversary memorial ceremony, the 36-th academic research conference was held at the international conference hall in Waseda University. 789 participants attended the event.
On August 7-9, CPIJ held International City Planning Symposium (theme: The Cities in the Information Age) with KPA and TIUP at Taiwan University in Taipei City, Taiwan. 46 members of CPIJ participated in the symposium.
On October, CPIJ published "City Planning Manual -I". It was a hit.
On November 16-17, CPIJ herd the academic research conference at Sugimoto Campus of Osaka City University.
On October, CPIJ published "City Planning Manual -II". It was a hit.
On November 11-12, CPIJ held the academic conference at Utsunomiya University.
On November 13-14, CPIJ held the academic conference at Hiroshima International University.