International Symposium on City Planning 2013 [Japanese]
 Main Theme: Resilient and Sustainable Cities
Venue: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Organizer: The City Planning Institute of Japan
Schedule: August 22nd (Thu) - 24th (Sat)
Aug. 22nd(Thu) Welcome Party
Aug. 23rd(Fri) International Symposium, Farewell Pary
Aug. 24th(Sat) Technical Tour
ISCP2013 Website:

 Call for Abstract

The International Symposium on City Planning 2013 calls for abstracts or papers particularly focusing on resilient and sustainable city. Regarding this topic, contributor may submit abstract or paper according to the application rules of ISCP as outcomes of research and case study of urban and regional planning.

Document File
  Application Rules for the International Symposium on City Planning 2013[ PDF(22KB)]
  Writing Guidelines for the International Symposium on City Planning 2013[ PDF(50KB)]
  Template of Application Sheet[ MS-Word(35KB)]
  Template of Abstract for the screening[ MS-Word(14KB)]
  Sample of Abstract for the screening[ PDF(439KB)]


Contribution to Urban and Regional Planning Review
 CPIJ will begin publishing Urban and Regional Planning Review annually as a new international journal in electrical format within the fiscal year of 2013. We strongly encourage anyone who has interests in writing academic papers in English to contribute to Urban and Regional Planning Review. Papers presented in ISCP2013 may be submitted to this journal in accordance with the guidelines which will be issued by CPIJ.